
V BOGUMA sme hrdí na to, že sme poskytovateľom kvalitných gumárenských výrobkov pre rôzne odvetvia a potreby. Naša spoločnosť si zakladá na vynikajúcej kvalite, inováciách a partnerstvách so skvelými zákazníkmi.

Na tejto podstránke nájdete referencie a spätnú väzbu od našich verných zákazníkov, ktorí sa spoliehajú na naše produkty. Sme vďační za ich dôveru a radi zdieľame ich úspechy.

Naši klienti pochádzajú z rôznych odvetví, vrátane automobilového priemyslu, priemyselného sektora, stavebníctva, športu a ďalších. Naša široká škála gumárenských výrobkov spĺňa ich individuálne potreby a prispieva k ich úspešným projektom a prevádzkam.

Každá referencia nám poskytuje cenné poznatky a motiváciu na ďalšiu prácu. Stále pracujeme na tom, aby sme prekonali očakávania našich zákazníkov a poskytli im najvyššiu úroveň kvality a služieb.

Ak hľadáte dôveryhodného dodávateľa gumárenských výrobkov, naše referencie vám môžu poskytnúť pohľad na našu prácu z prvej ruky. Radi vám predstavíme naše úspešné projekty a spokojných klientov, ktorí s nami opätovne spolupracujú.


We sincerely thank you for the timely support on the rubber mats order. We hope to continue to work successfully together in the future.
Sincerely, Pressure Systems Trading Company Al Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

As one of the Croatian leader companies for special tools and equipment for power engineering and communal works, we use the highest quality products and for this reason, we work with the company Boguma. Their friendly staff are always available for all information and the realization of orders for high-quality products.

Bruno Smiljan,, Croatia

S výrobkami od firmy BOGUMA, s.r.o. sme nadmieru spokojní a môžeme naozaj potvrdiť, že ich výrobky sú skutočne vhodné pre zimné štadióny.

Máme niekoľkoročné skúsenosti s dlážkovinami, ktoré sú u nás vystavené náročnému opotrebovaniu nožmi od korčúľ, no napriek dlhodobému používaniu sú vidieť len bežné zanedbateľné známky poškodenia.

Spolupráca s firmou BOGUMA, s.r.o. sa nám veľmi osvedčila a môžeme produkty spoločnosti vrelo odporučiť.


Mgr. Ľuboš Michalka

Vedúci zimného štadióna v Topoľčanoch


"Boguma is our long-time, reliable supplier of dielectric Insulating Matting with very good quality.

We hope to continue to work successfully together in the future."

- Bulgaria 

We have purchased electrical insulating mats from BOGUMA for many years now and they provide good customer service with good quality of products.

We are very happy to be their partner. 

JinSung from South Korea.

“We have been a satisfied customer for years and have collectively increased our sales from year to year. We couldn't be happier with our collaboration. Fast delivery and best quality since day 1.”

Purchasing, Germany

"Boguma is a long-time and reliable supplier for us with good quality."


– Customer from Germany

I have purchased electrical insulating blankets, from BOGUMA, s.r.o

Not only is the quality outstanding, but also their Sales Depart is very service minded and very quick response times.

An absolute pleasure doing business with them.


Head of Trading

Our partnership with Boguma during the last few years has enabled us to provide our clients with reliable and safe electrical insulation solutions. At SeaCables (a member of SeaBright Group) we value the safety and well-being of our clients above all else. As such, we have always sought suppliers who share our commitment to quality and safety. Boguma has consistently delivered on both fronts, supplying us with electrical insulating material that meets or exceeds industry standards.  Over the past years, Boguma has proven to be a reliable and efficient supplier, delivering our orders on time and in excellent condition. Their team of experts is always on hand to answer any questions or concerns we may have, and they have gone above and beyond to accommodate our unique needs. [...]  As we look to the future, we are confident that our relationship with Boguma will flourish.

We look forward to working with them to provide our clients with the most advanced and effective electrical insulating solutions.  

Purchasing Department, Seabright, Greece

"Dlouhodobá spolupráce, dobrá komunikace, kvalitní produkty."

Obchodní specialista, GUMEX, Česko

"Pleasure to work with Boguma all these years."

George Karras, Greece 

"We have been working with Boguma for many years now and we have always met a very good customer service as well as a very good quality of products. Anytime we had a special need or requirement we always found good feedback and collaboration. Boguma can count on a wide range of rubber products and a good knowledge of the materials they produce and sell. We are happy to be their partner."

Andrea  - Purchase and Marketing Department, Italy

“Your rubber sheet has a great utilization in our production. It performs well as a seal on our expansion joints. I'm glad to be able to express contentment with our collaboration, and look forward to the next one.”

POLIROL, Croatia

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