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parameter DEK class 3 - small icon image
parameter REACH image
parameter HALOGEN FREE image
parameter Environment  image
3 parameter Thickness image
5 parameter Basis weight image
65 ± 5 parameter Hardness image

Electrical insulating matting certified according to IEC 61111:2009 in class 3, with an operating voltage of 26 500 V, a test voltage of 30 000 V and a withstanding voltage of 40 000 V, with permanently vulcanized marking tape. Vulcanized elastomer smooth is available in gray, 3 mm thick (+0.5/-0.2mm) with basic weight 4,6 kg/m2.

Complete your specification:

Step 1

Step 3

Tolerance (+/- 10 mm)

Step 2

Tolerance -

Step 4

Tolerance (+/- 200 mm)

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Produkt DK idtrieda 03 - varianty


Id Cislo polozky Stare cislo Skupina Typ Idtrieda Kaucuk Dezen Farba Dlzka Sirka Hrubka Hrubka popis Hmotnost Hustota Pocet vloziek Pocet otlackov
1158 DK_03_01_H1_1_03-0 DEK3-H-1 DK 03 SBR-NR H1 grey 10 1000 3 (+ 0,5/- 0,2 mm) 5
1159 DK_03_01_H1_1_03-0 DEK3-H-1 DK 03 SBR-NR H1 grey 10 1200 3 (+ 0,5/- 0,2 mm) 5
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