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parameter EIP- class 0 - small icon image
parameter EIP - Ozone resistant image
parameter EIP - Acid resistant  image
parameter REACH image
parameter HALOGEN FREE image
1 parameter Thickness image
1.6 parameter Basis weight image
60 ± 5 parameter Hardness image

Electrical insulating blanket certified according to the IEC 61112:2009 standard in class 0, with a specified operating voltage of 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC. Also certified according to categories A and Z, resistant to acids and ozone. Vulcanized elastomer with top and bottom cloth imprint in orange with thickness 1,0 mm and a basic weight 1,6 kg/m2. Marking is done by precuring a lengthwise marking tape covering the entire roll length. This way of marking is durable and unerasable.

Blanket achieve minimum tensile strength 12 MPa and elongation at break minimum 300%.

We supply it in rolls 1 m or 1,2m which allows you to cut parts of different shapes and sizes according to the needs of end users. It has many uses. On request we can provide custom cuts.

Complete your specification:

Step 1

Tolerance (+/- 10 mm)

Step 2

Tolerance (+/- 200 mm)

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Produkt EIP idtrieda 00 - varianty


Id Cislo polozky Stare cislo Skupina Typ Idtrieda Kaucuk Dezen Farba Dlzka Sirka Hrubka Hrubka popis Hmotnost Hustota Pocet vloziek Pocet otlackov
1359 EP_60_11_H0_0_01-0 EIP0-1,0x0 EIP 00 SBR-NR-EPDM H0 10 1000 1,0 (+0,5 mm/- 0,1 mm)  1.6
1360 EP_60_11_H0_0_01-0 EIP0-1,0x0 EIP 00 SBR-NR-EPDM H0 10 1200 1,0 (+0,5 mm/- 0,1 mm)  1.6