ISO 9001:2015
Welcome to our Quality Policy subpage. This subpage serves to inform our potential and existing clients who are interested in learning more about how our company operates. We are aware that quality policy is an important part of corporate identity, therefore, we hope that this subpage will also be helpful to you in choosing BOGUMA s.r.o. as your partner for rubber products.
Your BOGUMA team
Quality objectives stem from a combination of our quality policy, mission, vision, and values that we have established in the company. They are reviewed and reassessed annually by management, with their fulfillment being continuously monitored, at least once a month, some objectives are evaluated twice a week.
The basic objectives of the company include (without prioritization):
- Maintaining the gross margin at the value set by the budget for the respective calendar year
- Maintaining employee turnover below 10% annually
- Maintaining the production of Class II products below 1.5% annually, with rejects (trimmings, internal defects) below 3% annually of the total volume of products
- External customer complaints below 0.5% of annual revenue
- Increasing the portfolio with new customers by more than 3% of total revenue annually
- Introducing two innovative products to the market annually
In 2023, all objectives except one (maintaining the production of Class II products) were achieved.
Design and development, production, and sale of electrical insulating mattings, blankets, rubber flooring, and sheeting.
Top management fully acknowledges the leadership responsibility for the quality provided to the customer and therefore commits to maintaining the quality of its services to customer satisfaction by implementing an effective quality management system. To achieve this commitment to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, management and employees working for the organization commit to:
· Managing the context (internal and external contexts) of the organization, internal and external processes through the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), as well as improving the effectiveness of the quality management system in the areas of design and development, production, and sale of dielectric carpets, sealing plates, and patterned rubber tiles.
· Continuously comply with and develop customer satisfaction, and compliance with legal and other requirements of interested parties.
· Consider QMS risk management, organization, and process, and take appropriate actions to eliminate them and maintain a stable organization, QMS, requirements of interested parties, processes, and any projects.
· Provide quality services and deliver products at a high professional level supported by quality commercial products corresponding to specific customer requirements, as well as legal and other requirements within the specified time and cost.
· Create a framework for setting goals in the areas of QMS efficiency, product quality, and process improvement. Clearly declare company goals based on the personal commitment of each employee with the intention of improving qualitative indicators and continually improving the quality management system in the areas of turnover creation, productivity, efficiency, on-time delivery, quality of services provided, and products, etc.
· Create the necessary resources in terms of employee training, infrastructure, and work environment.
BOGUMA, s.r.o. (hereinafter Boguma) was established on February 19, 2005, and continues its activities in the production of rubber products and more.
BOGUMA, s.r.o. has been a Slovak rubber product manufacturer since 2005. We supply highly quality certified rubber products around the globe, which have no direct competition worldwide due to the traditional technology of rotational presses.
We manufacture using rotational vulcanization technology, with the primary form of the product being in the form of a wound coil. We focus on selecting high-quality rubber compounds from trusted suppliers with the ability to flexibly respond to customer requirements. We supply products for the energy industry, sports sector, storage spaces, ships, and oil platforms. We have a diverse portfolio of products in categories such as certified electrical insulating mattings and blankets, rubber floorings, and rubber sheetings.
In product categories, we are able to develop new products based on the specific requirements of our customers. Thanks to this, we have managed to build a strong client base worldwide.
Our primary goal is to provide quality products from our portfolio while maintaining a low rate of external complaints at the desired gross margin value. Ensuring the stabilization of existing customers, developing new customers and products, and maintaining low employee turnover while respecting our corporate values.