
Where We Stand Today: Durability of Rubber Flooring S8 With Coin Pattern After Years of Use

Explore how BOGUMA, s.r.o. prioritizes quality by engaging with customers who use our products daily. Learn about our versatile S8 rubber flooring, ideal for various industries, and our commitment to supporting Slovak sports clubs and athletes.

At BOGUMA, s.r.o., we continuously strive to elevate the quality of our products to new levels of perfection. Therefore, it is crucial for us to communicate with our customers who have daily experiences with the products they have purchased from us. Today, we are focusing on rubber floorings, particularly the S8 rubber flooring with a coin pattern, which has wide applications in several industries. One of them is sports, which we have long supported in Slovakia not only as a supplier of rubber products but also through partnerships with Slovak sports clubs and athletes.

In an effort to provide our customers with thorough information about the performance, durability, and characteristics of our products, we decided to visit our customers in Topoľčany and Nitra to assess the quality of our patterned floorings after several years of use in hockey stadiums. In this article, we will look at real-world experiences and evaluate the advantages and potential limitations of this product so that you, as our potential customer, can see the quality of our products and evaluate it based on the real experiences of our satisfied customers.


Rubber Flooring S8 With a Coin Pattern

Rubber flooring S8 is one of our premium products recommended for floor surfaces in hockey stadiums. Rubber floors are generally naturally flexible and withstand high foot traffic and are also resistant to water and moisture. Rubber typically has good vibration-damping properties, making it popular in hockey stadiums, shelves, public gym spaces, and many other similar spaces where there is regularly increased movement on the floor.

With its special construction and material, it provides high resistance to wear and tear and demanding conditions typical of hockey environments. It is also resistant and easy to maintain with simple handling.

With the S8 coin pattern, we offer floorings in seven basic colors: black, gray, dark gray, blue, green, red, and yellow. The stadiums we visited chose floorings in the basic colors of black and gray.

We recommend using this rubber flooring in hockey stadiums on stands, benches, locker rooms, corridors, and also in training areas. We will delve deeper into some of these examples at the Nitra and Topoľčany winter stadiums.


<p>An example of a roll of rubber flooring S8 in the color grey.</p>

An example of a roll of rubber flooring S8 in the color grey.

Hockey Club in Topoľčany and Their Experiences

In Topoľčany, we visited the hockey stadium, where Mr. Ľuboš Michalka, the head of the winter stadium, gladly showed us all the places where our flooring is located, such as the benches, locker rooms, and corridors. Our S8 has been installed at the winter stadium since 2018 in black and since 2020 in grey, thus maintaining the safety of young hockey talents for 6 years overall.


Mr. Michalka emphasized the advantages of the flooring, including:

1. Good machine washability.

2. Coin pattern that extends the life of the rubber, as coins wear out first before the rubber itself.

3. Resistance to water.

4. Resistance to ice.

5. Resistance to cold.

6. Ability to withstand a roller with wheel spikes weighing up to 6 tons.


<p>The details of the wheels of the roller, which come into contact with the rubber flooring.</p>

The details of the wheels of the roller, which come into contact with the rubber flooring.

7. High weight of the flooring, preventing movement on the ground and eliminating the need for gluing.

8. High durability - our patterned floorings S8 installed since 2018 still maintain their quality.

9. Absorbs less water and does not tend to lift or stick together, making them more advantageous compared to other types of floorings.


In addition to the many advantages, the stadium manager also pointed out a disadvantage, which is manual cleaning in some cases due to protruding coins on the surface, which is more demanding but not impossible. Despite this drawback, Mr. Michalka was satisfied with the product and recommended it to other stadiums.


<p>An example of rubber flooring S8 in the colour grey in changing rooms, where it was laid in 2020.</p>

An example of rubber flooring S8 in the colour grey in changing rooms, where it was laid in 2020.

<p>An example of the rubber flooring S8 in black color on the benches, where it has been laid since 2018.</p>

An example of the rubber flooring S8 in black color on the benches, where it has been laid since 2018.

"With products from BOGUMA, s.r.o., we are more than satisfied, and we can truly confirm that their products are indeed suitable for winter stadiums. We have years of experience with floorings, which are subjected to demanding wear and tear from skate blades, yet despite long-term use, only minor signs of damage are visible. The main advantage is the quality and durability of the flooring, as evidenced by the fact that 80% of our locker rooms are equipped with floorings from BOGUMA, s.r.o. The flooring easily adapts to the subfloor, and provides strength and stability with its weight. It is also resistant to water absorption, which is very important in a winter stadium. Our cooperation with BOGUMA, s.r.o. has been very successful, and we can highly recommend the company's products."

- Mgr. Ľuboš Michalka, Head of the Winter Stadium


Winter Stadium in Nitra

Another stop for us was the winter stadium in Nitra, where our rubber flooring has been installed since 2017 and in some places since 2023. The stadium manager, Mr. Miroslav Ecker, made our visit enjoyable by showing us around the stadium and sharing his experiences with our products. Our flooring is located in several locker rooms, on benches, and in corridors at the Nitra Winter Stadium.


He highlighted the advantages of our flooring:


1. Easy maintenance

2. Safe for skates

3. Minimizes costs in the long term

4. Easy installation and the possibility of precise cutting without the need for gluing.

5. High durability and ability to withstand demanding conditions.


He also mentioned that in the area of the benches, flooring resistant to extreme stress is necessary, and therefore, in some places, they noticed more significant wear and tear compared to less stressed environments. This observation prompted us to consider preparing a specially designed product that would be more suitable for the specific environment of the winter stadium's benches.


<p>An example of the rubber flooring S8 in black color on the benches, where it has been laid since 2023.</p>

An example of the rubber flooring S8 in black color on the benches, where it has been laid since 2023.

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"I am extremely satisfied with the S8 Rubber Flooring, as is the entire stadium. It is an investment that pays off. Quality is a priority for us, and therefore, I advocate investing in flooring that lasts a long time."

- Miroslav Ecker, Stadium Manager



Based on the experiences we have collected, we can confirm that rubber flooring S8 from BOGUMA s.r.o. is a reliable and long-lasting solution for floor surfaces in hockey stadiums. Its advantages, such as resistance to wear and tear, high durability, and easy maintenance, outweigh the potential limitations associated with its use.


We are proud that our clients, including hockey clubs in Topoľčany and Nitra, express their satisfaction with the performance and quality of our products, confirming their exceptional value and effectiveness in demanding conditions.


We thank Mr. Michalka and Mr. Ecker for taking the time to help us and our potential clients gain insight into the reality of using our products. Thanks to them, we have the opportunity to continually improve and provide our partners with only the highest quality products, whether it's rubber floorings or other rubber products you'll find at BOGUMA s.r.o.


For more details, you can explore our brochure, which focuses on safe movement in winter or hockey stadiums.

If you have any further questions or would like to see for yourself the quality of our products, do not hesitate to contact us at